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High investments in machinery and equipment, personnel intensive production processes and, not least, increasing cost pressure require particular in the field of textile care, dry cleaning or even the rental textiles services maximum flexibility and efficiency of all business processes.

Logon and logoff operations on machines are taken as either stand-alone time bookings of the employees or synchronized with otherwise recorded time data and assigned to eg. several cost centers. At the same time different items or operations are recorded.

As a special industry-specific feature also terminals of the type Kannegiesser IBT can be integrated into the lisa Time and Attendance.

This results in more options regarding the evaluation of attendance times. Specific machine messages such as idling or malfunctions are logged. These different types of time can then be optionally coupled with various remuneration types (eg. in case of incentive wage it is possible to account average wage in machine malfunction). The prepared production data provide an absolutely reliable basis for your controlling.